


22/02/2015 - Events

The “Wake up (with) Arbitration!” team, composed of Caroline Duclercq, Valence Borgia et Maria Beatriz Burghetto, has unveiled the dates and speakers for the next 2015 breakfast roundtables:

  • 9 April 2015: “The Secretary to the Arbitral Tribunal: the 4th arbitrator?”,  with Marie-Laure Bizeau  and Jean-Yves Garaud;
  • 1 July 2015: “Endogamy in the arbitration world: a guarantee of quality?”, with Isabelle Michou and Alexandre Job;
  • 14 October 2015: “Disclosure: should arbitrators lay themselves bare?”, with Marie-Camille Pitton and Marc Henry;
  • 2 December 2015: “Order / award: speed at the expense of efficiency?”, with Gaëlle Le Quillec and Laurent Jaeger.

As usual, each of these subjects will be presented by two speakers, who will each plead for 10 minutes, one for the affirmative position and the other one, for the negative. Their presentations will be followed by a one-hour free debate during which all the attendees will be encouraged to present their views and ask questions.

As a reminder, the “Wake up (with) Arbitration!” round tables gather a maximum of fifteen people, all arbitration practitioners (lawyers, in-house counsel and experts) of varied levels of experience and age. The goal is to freely exchange ideas and ask questions related to certain questions that are not frequently dealt with because of their essentially practical or “politically incorrect” nature, or related to hot issues that are too recent to be dealt with in conferences. The spirit is definitely relaxed and professional, with an equal representation of women and men in order to mirror the diversity among arbitration practitioners.

For more information and to participate in one of the next round-tables, the “Wake up (with) Arbitration!” team may be reached on their blog or their LinkedIn group, “Wake up (with) Arbitration!” You may also contact them by email at