Philippe Goossens was a jury member for the Prix Debouzy, organized by the Club des Juristes, that annually rewards all of the legal publications, written or audiovisual, in any medium, produced during the last twelve months in French. The prize is reserved for the legal community.
For this 6th edition, the jury, presided over by Antoine Frérot (CEO of Véolia Environnement), was composed of prominent legal, university, business and institutional figures: Emmanuelle Mignon (Partner at the law firm August & Debouzy), Frédéric Jenny (Professor of Economics at ESSEC), Julie Klein (Law Professor at the University of Rouen), Gilles August (Partner at the law firm August & Debouzy), Fabrice Defferrard (Law Professor at the University of Reims and winner of the 5th Olivier Debouzy Prize), Philippe Goossens (Partner at the law firm Altana), Matthieu Quyollet (Deputy Chief of the Office of the President of the Assemblée Nationale) and David Zeitoun (General Counsel, Unibail Rodamco).
After carefully considering the various candidates, the jury unanimously decided that the 6th Olivier Debouzy Prize would be awarded to the book «L’affaire Martinot ou Prométhée congelé : le juge, la mort et le rêve d’immortalité » (“The Martinot Affaire or Prometheus Frozen: the Judge, Death and the Dream of Immortality”) by Jérôme Michel.
The award ceremony took place at 6:30 p.m. on June 14th at the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée.