

    Fil Rouge: Climate change litigation

    Benjamin Dors and Paul Boutron look back at the concept of climate litigation. As COP28 draws to a close, what are the practical aims of these lawsuits? What is their legal basis?

    Watch the video.

    Tomorrow's lawyer and AI : thinking minds rather than learning machines
    Philippe Goossens gives his vision of the legal profession in the face of AI in Option Droit & Affaires
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    Cryptomonnaies : une nouvelle catégorie d’actifs saisissables ?
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    [Translate to English:] Fil Rouge : Green claims and Greenwashing
    Companies are increasingly highlighting their commitment to the environment as a way of differentiating themselves from their competitors. But how do you tell the difference between legitimate practices an…
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    A look back at the difficult balancing act between press freedom and preventing market abuse
    A fundamental freedom guaranteed by the law of 29 July 1881 and Article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), the protection afforded to journali…
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    Fil Rouge: Toward greener social media
    Laura Beserman and Mickaël d'Allende look at the different ways in which ecological transition and social dialogue can be combined. Watch the video. 
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    Fil Rouge: CSRD - Between sustainable management and social dialogue
    How can we increase sustainable corporate transparency and strengthen social dialogue at the same time? Laura Beserman and Mickaël d'Allende discuss the new social obligations under the CSRD Directive. Wa…
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    “Companies doing business in the European Union are now, more than ever, likely to face commercial disputes in multiple jurisdictions across Europe, each of which have their own specific procedural and sub…
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    ADVANT FAQs on Climate Change Litigation
    “Companies are under increasing social, regulatory and economic pressure in almost all sectors to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to think about their contribution to climate pr…
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