
    Clémence Aladjidi
    ADVANT Altana - Paris

    Clémence Aladjidi

    ADVANT Altana - Paris


    English / French

    Practice Areas

    IT and Data - Intellectual Property


    T : +33 (0)1 79 97 93 00


    Member of the Paris Bar since 2022, Clémence Aladjidi is an associate at ADVANT Altana, practicing in intellectual property law, information technology law and personal data protection, in both consulting and litigation.

    She advises French and international clients on the full range of multi-disciplinary issues relating to these fields, particularly in the digital, healthcare and entertainment sectors.

    Before joining ADVANT Altana in 2022 for her first collaboration, Clémence completed internships at Fieldfisher and Act Aston Avocats, as well as at the intellectual property consulting firm IP Trust.


    • Master’s degree in Industrial Property and Health Innovations (University of Paris VIII)
    • Master’s degree in Business Law (University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas)

    Client Matters

    A sample of matters handled by the team include:

    • Litigation related to IT projects, software, patents, trademarks, copyright and design 
    • Data protection law (GDPR compliance & contracts, cybersecurity, data breach management, assistance during CNIL’s controls, etc.)
    • IT contracts (SaaS, software, IoT, Apps, AI, etc.) and E-commerce regulations and contracts (consumer law, privacy policies, general conditions of sale or use, etc.)
    • Entertainment law and contracts (video games, broadcasting, live shows, musicals, television formats, etc.)
    • Contracts related to IP rights, transfers of technologies, R&D and consortium agreements
    • Trademark filing and oppositions before the INPI and the EUIPO, availability research, and domain names disputes and arbitration
    • Labelling / products regulations, advertising regulations 


    Legal 500 EMEA 2024
    Une équipe IP/IT plébiscitée par Legal 500

    L'équipe IP & IT d'ADVANT Altana a été reconnue parmi les meilleurs praticiens dans pas moins de 5 classements spécialisés par Legal 500 cette année : droit d'auteur, protection et confidentialité des données, IT & Internet, brevets et une merveilleuse Tier One en marques et dessins & modèles. Cette reconnaissance récompense le travail acharné et dévoué de toute l'équipe.


    #IPconsiderations for Protecting Hashtags as Trademarks
    Jean-Guy de Ruffray, Clémence Aladjidi, Matthias W. Strecher (Advant Beiten) and Pierluigi Dodaro (Advant Nctm).
    in: IPWatchdog, 2022