

    ALTANA expands its economic and competition law pratice with the arrival of Marie Hindré as partner

    Altana is pleased to announce the expansion of its economic and competition law practice, developed by Jean Philippe Thibault, with the arrival of Marie Hindré as Partner.


    The practice, which will be jointly led by Mr. Thibault and Ms. Hindré, is composed of Benoît Van Bésien, Counsel, and a team of 3 associates.


    Member of the Paris Bar since 2000, as well as the French Bar Association of Brussels, Ms. Hindré has built specific experience in antitrust, investigations, merger control and distribution law. She regularly represents clients before French and European courts and competition authorities. More generally, she handles cases related to French and European competition, distribution and state aid law.


    Before joining Altana, Ms. Hindré has been a partner at DLA Piper where she created the competition law practice of the Paris office upon her arrival in 2008 that she managed during 8 years.


    Additionally, Ms. Hindré has worked regularly for over 15 years with several of Altana’s lawyers, with whom she shares a pragmatic and interdisciplinary approach to cases, as former lawyer at Proskauer and Rambaud Martel, and due to her expertise within the construction sector.


    This addition is in keeping with the firm’s strategic nature and forward-looking vision of economic and competition law’s enlarging role in the business world. Companies need to manage this essential aspect of their economic activity, be it during the realization of complex transactions, the management of the contractual relationships or as part of the more highly contentious framework of evaluating certain anti-competitive practices.


    The expansion of Altana’s competition practice strengthens its position in the market, to its clients’ benefit.

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