English / French
Arbitration - Commercial - Insurance - Management and Dispute Resolution - White Collar Crime
Industries - Insurance - Private Equity and Venture Capital - Technology, Media and Telecommunications
Benjamin Dors is a Partner in the firm’s litigation and white-collar crime departments.
Having developed specific expertise in international litigation, he represents French and foreign companies, as well as their executives, in multi-jurisdictional disputes before judicial and arbitral courts. His broad practice covers a wide span of complex business law cases, involving both civil and commercial issues, as well as criminal investigations.
Admitted in New York and Paris, Mr. Dors started his career in the United States, then in France with top litigation firms. He joined ADVANT Altana in 2018. He was promoted to the Partnership in January 2023.
Mr. Dors also maintains a regular teaching practice, both at the University (seminar on International litigation at the Université Paris Sud; seminar on International White Collar Crime at the University of Montpellier), and to professionals (seminar on directors’ liability for the Master Class program of the “Cercle des Administrateurs”).
Benjamin Dors has been repeatedly distinguished in rankings published by Legal 500, Best Lawyers and Décideurs.
« Maîtriser la complexité des contentieux pour réduire l'aléa judiciaire »
François Muller co-authored with Benjamin Dors
Le Figaro, June 2023
« Arbitrage international : le recours en annulation d’une sentence en révision»
Benjamin Dors co-authored with Chiraz Abid
Option Droit & Affaires, 2022
« Dirigeants : des responsabilités toujours plus nombreuses »
Benjamin Dors co-authored with Valérie Lafarge-Sarkozy
Les Echos, June 2022
« Les dirigeants d’entreprises face à leurs responsabilités juridiques toujours plus nombreuses »
Benjamin Dors co-authored with Valérie Lafarge-Sarkozy
Journal Spécial des Sociétés, June 2022
« Arbitrage : incompétence du juge d’appui pour ordonner des mesures in futurum»
Benjamin Dors co-authored with François Muller
Option Droit & Affaires, December 2021
« Le juge français et les « mesures provisoires ou conservatoires »
Benjamin Dors co-authored with Valérie Lafarge-Sarkozy
Option Droit & Affaires, May 2021
« 5ème Directive Antiblanchiment, enfin une véritable coopération entre les États Membres? »
Benjamin Dors
L’AGEFI, February 2020
« Les administrateurs face aux défis de la conformité »
Benjamin Dors co-authored with Valérie Lafarge-Sarkozy
Les Echos, 2018