
    Judith Fleuret
    ADVANT Altana - Paris

    Judith Fleuret

    ADVANT Altana - Paris


    T : +33 (0)1 79 97 93 00


    Judith Fleuret advises French and foreign clients, whether they are defendants or victims, mainly in the areas of criminal labor law and criminal financial and tax law. She also advises clients on crisis management and implementation of delegations of authority. 

    She has developed specific expertise in psychosocial risks, working closely with the firm's labor law team. She regularly gives training courses, notably with respect to criminal risk and safety in a workplace environment and on how to manage a workplace accident. 

    She is a member of “Institut du droit pénal fiscal et financier”, Women's White Collar Defense Association and International Association of Lawyers. She also gave tutorial classes at the University of Paris-Nanterre regarding civil law. 

    After gaining experience within the financial crime unit of the Paris Court of Appeal and diverse Parisian law firms, she was admitted to the Paris Bar in 2013 and joined Advant Altana the same year. She was appointed as a Coun-sel as from January 2022.


    • Master‘s degree of Business Law at the University of Dauphine.


    « Approche opérationnelle des risques psychosociaux en droit pénal et en droit social » 
    Training co-hosted with Pierre Lubet, Philippe Goossens and Mickaël d’Allende
    Advant Altana, June 2023

    « Le procès pénal : une pièce de théâtre sans texte et sans auteur » 
    Presented with Philippe Goossens 
    Ca en vaut la peine, Episode 10, February 2023

    « Plan de lutte contre la fraude fiscale en préparation»
    Co-authored with Philippe Goossens
    Advant Altana website, January 2023

    « Action civile, action publique : destins croisés ? » 
    Presented with Laetitia Daage 
    Ca en vaut la peine, Episode 9, January 2023

    « Les risques psychosociaux en entreprise » 
    Presented with Kevin Belolo 
    Fil Rouge, Episode 10, May 2022

    « L’articulation entre une procédure pénale et les autorités administratives » 
    Presented with Gildas Robert
    Ca en vaut la peine, Episode 3, April 2022

    « Le monde d’après : fiscal égal pénal » 
    Co-authored with Philippe Goossens 
    Dalloz Actualités, July 2020

    « Alerte : la fin partielle du verrou de Bercy en matière de poursuites pénales des infractions fiscales » 
    Co-authored with Philippe Goossens 
    Advant Altana website, October 2018