English / French
Arbitration - Management and Dispute Resolution
Construction engineering and infrastructure - Energy - Public Sector
Lucille holds a Master 2 in International Economic Relations from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas and a Certificate in International Legal Studies delivered by the Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales (Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas). She also worked at several law firms, including in Australia.
Lucille Montaut has developed expertise in multi-jurisdictional litigation and alternative dispute resolution, specifically related to major infrastructure projects, concessions and industrial projects, notably in the energy sector.
She has also developed expertise in the proceedings regarding challenges of international awards rendered in cross-border arbitration disputes.
Lucille advises in contract negotiations, contract management and claims, regarding contracts submitted to both private or public law.
She represents clients in judicial, administrative and arbitral litigation. Mrs Montaut was a lecturer at the University Paris-X (law of contract). Admitted to the Paris bar in 2014, she joined Altana the same year.
advising a constructor regarding a claim under a concession contract (design-build-operation) for a high-speed railway line and the subsequent proceeding before the administrative courts.
representing a company in charge of the construction of a main road in pro-ceedings before the Court of appeal of Paris regarding the enforcement and the challenge of different partial awards, the Arbitral Tribunal having ruled on decisions of a dispute board.
advising on a dispute in connection with the construction of an offshore wind turbine pilot farm project
Co-author of the French Law chapter in The International Compendium of Construction Contracts
Phillip Greenham and the Society of Construction Law Australia
The International Compendium of Construction Contracts, de Gruyter, 2021