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    ADVANT Altana among the leading practitioners in Chambers France 2025
    4 practice areas and 7 individuals are listed in the professional ranking. Our Construction team enters this inaugural ranking directly in Band 1. 
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    A tale of international dispute resolution: how a UK anti-suit injunction safeguarded arbitration seated in Paris from parallel proceedings initiated in Russia
    In the increasingly complex world of cross-border litigation, the ongoing global judicial battle between a German bank and a Russian company serves as a powerful reminder of how the strategic use of a comm…
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    ADVANT - The implications of the Google Shopping judgement: An overview Q&A
    Following a fourteen year long battle, and one of the most significant judgements in antitrust history, Google's abuse of its dominance through self-preferencing has been confirmed, opening the way to furt…
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    Artificial intelligence: what role for the legal profession?
    Artificial intelligence has been around for years, but until now its technical nature meant that its use was limited to a handful of experts. Now, its accessibility and democratisation have made it an ever…
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    Company law in difficulty at the bedside of real estate companies
    Between January and March 2024, the construction and real estate sector experienced 1,140 insolvency proceedings (safeguard, reorganisation or liquidation). These procedures can be avoided if the company m…
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    Les incohérences de l'évaluation du préjudice en cas de rupture brutale d'une relation établie
    Retrouvez l'étude de notre professeur Cyril Grimaldi et de Mario Celaya, avocat, dans la nouvelle édition de La Semaine Juridique - Edition Générale  Disponible sur les plateformes Lexis360Intelligence et…
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    IA & Protection intellectuelle : à qui appartiennent les œuvres générées par l’IA ?
    Une œuvre (photo, composition musicale, roman), créée par une IA peut-elle se voir reconnaitre un statut et être ainsi protégée des copies non autorisées ou contrefaçons ?
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    Cryptomonnaies : une nouvelle catégorie d’actifs saisissables ?
    Refuge contre l’inflation, outil de diversification des investissements, ou porte d’entrée pour l’usage des technologies du web 3, les cryptomonnaies – qui appartiennent à la famille des cryptoactifs – son…
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    Le programme de clémence : un outil au succès relatif qu’il faut pérenniser
    La procédure de clémence est un outil de lutte contre les pratiques anticoncurrentielles à la disposition de l’Autorité de la concurrence (ADLC).
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    Environmental protection: The Autorité de la Concurrence publishes its press release allowing companies to request informal advice from the Rapporteur General on the compatibility of their projects with competition law.
    As part of its commitment to sustainable development as set out in its Roadmap 2024/2025, the Autorité de la concurrence [hereinafter the "Authority"] published a press release on 27 May 2024 setting out a…
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    Market definition permeates every competition law assessment. It is an essential tool to define competition’s boundaries: Who competes with whom? What is a company’s market power? Will the merging companie…
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    A look back at the difficult balancing act between press freedom and preventing market abuse
    A fundamental freedom guaranteed by the law of 29 July 1881 and Article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), the protection afforded to journali…
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    1 - 20
    10.03.2025 - 14.03.2025


    10.03.2025 - 14.03.2025


    17.05.2025 - 21.05.2025
