

    Environmental protection: The Autorité de la Concurrence publishes its press release allowing companies to request informal advice from the Rapporteur General on the compatibility of their projects with competition law.

    As part of its commitment to sustainable development as set out in its Roadmap 2024/2025, the Autorité de la concurrence [hereinafter the "Authority"] published a press release on 27 May 2024 setting out a framework for responding informally to requests from companies asking whether their sustainable development projects are compatible with the rules of competition law.

    This press release is part of the Authority's desire to encourage companies to discuss matters with it as part of an 'open door' policy. However, companies are reminded that, before making such requests, they must use the self-assessment mechanism to determine the competition risk associated with their projects on the basis of French and European decision-making practice and case-law, as well as the legislation in force.

    Read the article by Marie Hindré, Margaux Brunet and Delphine Laget on the Concurrences website.


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